Welcome you to join us for a cultural exchange and a journey back in time...
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Experience the glory of ancient Olympia with our unique virtual reality tour! At our Sports and cultural association Jae Academy, we...
Juan Alfredo Escobar Osorio
Jan 252 min read
How to Experience Greece Like a Local with Jae Academy Greece
How to Experience Greece Like a Local with Jae Academy Greece
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Dec 22, 20231 min read
Educator Day from the Sports and Cultural Jae Academy:
You are more than just a teacher You are a mentor and a guide You share your passion and your wisdom You help us grow and thrive You are...
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Juan Alfredo Escobar Osorio
Dec 22, 20230 min read
Jae Academy is a non-profit organization that promotes sports and culture in Greece...
Jae Academy is a non-profit organization that promotes sports and culture in the western region of Greece. We aim to
Jae Academy is a non-
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Juan Alfredo Escobar Osorio
Dec 14, 20231 min read
International exchange with Jae Academy in Greece & universities in the USA.
Our collaboration idea for universities in the USA is to offer students the opportunity to participate in cultural and sports exchange progr
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Juan Alfredo Escobar Osorio
Oct 29, 20231 min read
International cultural exchange Jae Academy Greece & USA.
JAE Academy is a cultural and sports association founded by Juan A Escobar, a former world-class taekwondo athlete and a gold-driven profess
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Oct 12, 20232 min read
We are Jae Academy, a sports and cultural association that provides various activities and services
Our facilities include a 90 square meter space with a lobby, a tatami, gym equipment, toilets, and beds to rest. We are located in the...
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Juan Alfredo Escobar Osorio
Jul 30, 20231 min read
International sports and cultural exchange from katakolo port Greece.
Sports and cultural exchange program with Jae Academy in Kourouta beach Greece. That is a wonderful
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Jun 13, 20231 min read
Activities at the beach of Kourouta with Jae Academy...
We are a cultural and sports association that organizes various activities at the beach of Kourouta, a beautiful and popular destination in
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Juan Alfredo Escobar Osorio
Apr 21, 20231 min read
Cultural and Sports Association Jae Academy in Katakolo port tour.
Cultural and Sports Association Jae Academy in Katakolo port tour.
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Mar 28, 20231 min read
International culture & sports exchange in Greece.
International culture and sports exchange in Greece could be organized as a week-long event that combines traditional Greek sports and...
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Juan Alfredo Escobar Osorio
May 3, 20223 min read
The pankration in Ancient Olympic Games / Traveling to Ancient of Greece.
The Pankration event was a combination of boxing and wrestling which required both skill and strength. Only biting and eye-gouging were forb
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